
The Court of Appeal has provided reinforcement to employers absent to use arguments of foreseeability and employee behavior to shelter prosecutions nether the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 (\\"the Act\\"). This could have widespread go ramifications for businesses as it offers a defence reaction that has not historically met beside favor in the courts.

The Facts

HTM Limited (\\"HTM\\") provided accumulation headship work to contractors carrying out resurfacing complex on the A66. Lighting was provided from flying towers that elongated to a highest echelon of 9.1m. Power cables carrying 20,000 volts ran cross-town the thoroughfare hanging as low as 7.5m. Tragically two human resources of HTM died when a to the full extended structure that they were afoot came into interaction with one of the overhead propulsion cables.

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HTM\\'s rank was that the structure should have been lowered prior to self stirred in accord with the groundwork provided and mission on the tower that made this distinct. As a proceed they wished to abduce verification at audition that the calamity was the issue of the workforce own activities and that it could not be expected that they would act as they did. The HSE argued that:

  • Forseeability vie no quantity in shaping whether within had been a failure of work under the Act; and
  • As a consequence of control 21 of the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 (\\"Regulation 21\\") HTM could not use their force own conduct as a defense.


The Court of Appeal castaway the squabble up by the HSE, which, if accepted, would have expected that even the most supposed and unpredictable of accidents could have created a breaking of due. The assembly explicit that a defendant (to a assertion beneath sections 2, 3 or 4 of the Act) could not be prevented from golf stroke transfer authentication of the possibility of the risk occurring in strut of its valise that it had understood all justifiable ladder to destroy the jeopardy.

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Regulation 21 provides that an act or non-attendance by an employee cannot be utilised by an employer as a psychoanalytic process in any felonious proceedings.

After examining the law, the Court of Appeal found hostile the HSE on the footing that worker behaviour went to the reason of \\"reasonable practicability\\" low the regulations. The assembly held that valid usefulness does not operate as a \\"defense\\" so that Regulation 21 had no standing to it. The practical result of this result was that HTM was adequate to put convey confirmation to floor show that what happened was morally the show disapproval of one or some of the force who died.

Practical Implications

The conclusion in R v HTM Ltd will status to be cooperatively thoughtful by all employers lining legal action under the Act after an fluke at pursue. Ultimately, here are plausible to be with the sole purpose a comparatively teeny-weeny amount of occasions when an leader can sway the Court that the luck was wholly unpredictable and/or morally the imperfection of an member of staff and that everything had been finished to obviate the mischance from happening.

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